Activity 5.1 – 10 things to do to Save the Planet

10 Things To Do To Save The Planet

Here are some examples I have obtained from 3 videos.

Jane Goodall - Mother Earth

Solution Category
Solution Description
We need to change our attitudes about how we are not doing all we can for our Earth. Live in harmony between us people no matter the differences we have and live in harmony with mother nature. (Goodall, 2017)
Make little choices every day that make a difference. Become aware of the actions we do. We might not think that our individual small act can make a difference but when we work together every single one of us who does small acts can make a huge impact. (Goodall, 2017)

Shubhendu Sharma - How to grow a forest in your backyard

Solution Category
Solution Description
To help a forest thrive you do not just add nutrients to the soil that would be the industrialized way. You add microorganisms in the oil so that way they feed on the biomass and multiply that helps the soil become alive. (Sharma, 2016)
Growing a forest should not be of the unordinary. We belong in nature and our habitat stopped being our natural habitat. We now live in cities where nature is blocks away. We need trees because they give off an abundance of oxygen for us. Nature is who we are. (Sharma, 2016)

Natalie Fee - Why Plastic Pollution is Personal

Solution Category
Solution Description
Collaborating with businesses to make environmental changes. To pressure the switch of environmental/biodegradable products in retailers. That is one way to let businesses know what people are demanding. (Fee, 2017)
Public/Informal Environmental Education
Showing facts and videos of what humans do without realizing it. Informing the people that a single use of a stick cotton swab being flushed down a toilet can end up in our oceans and cause catastrophic effects like the death of albatross. Once people become informed and aware it can make differences. (Fee, 2017)

These are 4 examples I have obtained myself

Solution Category
Solution Description
Stop buying fast fashion industries and go for either second-hand clothing or sustainable eco clothing. You can save money and the planet by buying used clothing or buying good ecofriendly clothing. For example, the shirt from Forever 21 could possibly have been made with cheap material that could harm the planet. It also could have used tons of gallons of water to make.
Personal Consumption
Stopping our consumption of plastics we use every day. This could either mean slowly switching to reusable items such as a reusable bottle and straws so we are not buying any more plastic water bottles and compiling them into our oceans. The big goal for this is to live zero waste, so every product that is not reusable you do not acquire any more. An example is buying produce in bulk and not in plastic packages.

Electing the right representatives that can help make environmental change a priority is a great way we can take action for our Earth. Voting in the right people who can take actions in the higher level can get us far.
Teaming up others who have the same passion for helping out the environment and coming up with certain solutions can make an impact. Beach cleanups have become a trend lately and it has brought a community of people together to help preserve our oceans.


Work Cited 

Goodall, J. (2017). Mother Earth [video]. The Inspiration Journey. Retrieved from

Sharma, S. (2016). How to grow a forest in your backyard [video]. TED@BCG. Retrieved from

Fee, N. (2017). Why plastic pollution is personal [video]. TEDxBristol. Retrieved from
Why Plastic Pollution is Personal | Natalie Fee | TEDxBristol


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