Activity 2.1 – Atmosphere: Reduce Northwest Vista College’s Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Greenhouse Gas Emissions


As of today, CO2 levels are rising drastically. You may wonder why this is considered a problem. Greenhouse gases are natural to our planet. They are responsible for keeping the Earth's surface 33 degrees Celcius (59 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer than it would otherwise be. Without greenhouse gases in our atmosphere, we would most likely not be able to tolerate living in such conditions. Since the industrial revolution back in the 1700s that was when the start of what we call fossil fuels began. It has created everything we have such as electricity. We should definitely be grateful for fossil fuels but now the times are changing and we don't really need them anymore. Extracting and burning fossil fuels creates one enormous amount of pollution. Such as coal, gas, and oil these 3 fossil fuels have begun to show an increase in CO2 levels in our atmosphere and they are being trapped. 


For 650,000 years, the atmospheric CO2 was never higher than 300 ppm (parts per million) that is until the 1950's you see a drastic increasing change. As of January 2017, the CO2 level has increased to more than 400 ppm. With so much carbon dioxide in our atmosphere, it can lead to warmer temperatures for the planet. An increase in temperature for the planet can be abominable. Water temperatures in our ocean have risen as well which means more ice is melting. Because our atmosphere is so congested with greenhouse gases it is not able to re-radiate some of the radiation from the sun as you can guess it, causing the Earth to be warmer. So with so many greenhouse gases such as CO2 being released, you may question where is it coming from. Well, from humans. An average American releases 18 tons off carbon dioxide each year and it differs for each country. We also cut down the forest for agriculture and a lot of those trees release CO2. As humans, we do a lot of releasing greenhouse gases without thinking twice about it. If we continue to contribute and promote fossil fuel business we are letting the business know that is how we like things to be done. We are now capable to do research in learning ways to stop greenhouse gases. Not exactly all gases because as I said before we need them in our atmosphere to keep us warm but the more gases the warmer our planet will be and that can do us bad in the long run. In conclusion to this, we do not want our planet to reach any higher intake of greenhouse gases especially our biggest contributor CO2. Although, yes we need it our Earth can not take so much. Nobody would like extremely hot summers or air we can't freely breathe because of the low-level ozone. As humans living on one planet we need to take much care of it.

Designing Solutions

As the principal student science advisor, I have developed a list of actions we can take as a school to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. For starters, these actions can be done immediately and for cheap or free. 
  1. Recycle - This is one of the easiest and most simple things you can do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Always remember to try to Reduce as much plastic or any recyclable item as you can. Reducing the item will be preferable but if you can not try to come up with ways on how o reuse it. 
  2. Carpool - If you have friends here at school around the same time you have classes ask them if they would be willing to carpool. You would be decreasing the amount of CO2 in the air. 
  3. Ride a bike - If it's possible and you live nearby school you can save money and not release any emissions into our air. 
  4. Bring a reusable water bottle - You can save so much water bottles being recycled by using one reusable bottle.
  5. As students, we can make a big difference by telling our school exactly what we would like to be done for the school itself to reduce greenhouse gases. By expressing our voice on topics we care about we can make a change.
These actions can be done and should help us out even in the long run. Progressively during the next 10 years or so. 
  1. Install light sensors - If we can have the school install light motion sensors that could save the school money and also reduce electricity. 
  2. Install solar panels - The school could install solar panels on the roof and we can generate so much solar power to light up the classes without electricity. 
  3. Meatless Mondays - If it's possible we can have the school serve up meatless meals so that way we can reduce a little bit of CO2 each week.
  4. Change lightbulbs to LED - Doing this can cut emissions from lighting about 85%.
  5. Recycle bins - Recycle bins should be available in every class room, in the hallways and outside. So students get a chance to make a difference. 

Work Cited

Freedman, B. (2018). Environmental science: A Canadian perspective. Halifax, Canada: Dalhousie University Libraries

Hayhoe, Katherine. "I'm just one person, what can I do?" Youtube, uploaded by Global Weirding with Katherine Hayhoe, 1 February 2017,

Hayhoe, Katherine. "Fossil Fuels | Global Weirding" Youtube, uploaded by Global Weirding with Katherine Hayhoe, 14 November 2018,


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