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Activity 5.1 – 10 things to do to Save the Planet

10 Things To Do To Save The Planet Here are some examples I have obtained from 3 videos. Jane Goodall - Mother Earth Solution Category Solution Description Spiritual We need to change our attitudes about how we are not doing all we can for our Earth. Live in harmony between us people no matter the differences we have and live in harmony with mother nature. (Goodall, 2017) Action Make little choices every day that make a difference. Become aware of the actions we do. We might not think that our individual small act can make a difference but when we work together every single one of us who does small acts can make a huge impact. (Goodall, 2017) Shubhendu Sharma -  How to grow a forest in your backyard Solution Category Solution Description Biological To help a forest thrive you do not just add nutrients to the soil that would be the industrialized way. Yo

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